Active on social media

How active do you need to be on social media?

Let’s answer this question with two others:

  • How often do you check your own Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? A few times a day? Once a day? Once a week?
  • How many Facebook friends do you have? How many LinkedIn connections? And how many people are you following on Twitter?

If you are not on social media 24/7 (we hope not!) and you have a moderate number of social connections then there’s no way you’re seeing all of what’s being shared with you.

Seeing your own social media efforts from this viewpoint might help you appreciate just how fierce the battle for eyeballs can be. And if you’re using social media to increase awareness and sales for your business that can only mean one thing:

There’s no one-size-fits-all social media strategy, but chances are you’re not as active as you need to be on your social networks. Want to know for sure? Try posting more and compare your before and after analytics. Don’t have time to post more? Then see why people love saving time with our handmade custom content!